
2024 Legislative Session Report Week 6

Legislative Report

The GFB PPD Team

February 16, 2024

In this Issue: 

Photo Credits: House Media Services

Week 6 Under the Gold Dome


This week the General Assembly convened for legislative days 19-22, officially making it halfway through the 2024 legislative session. The General Assembly conducted business on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with Wednesday being a committee workday. 我们仍然专注于通过参众两院的委员会程序推进关键的立法,以确保它们在2月29日交叉之前通过他们尊敬的议院. 


It was an exciting week at the Capitol with GFB members from across the state convening for the annual GFB Day at the Capitol. We also had the chance to see 4-H'ers from across Georgia fill the halls Wednesday for 4-H Day at the Capitol. This year, Georgia 4-H had a record attendance, 看到这么多年轻人在大厅里与立法者交流,我感到很鼓舞. Opportunities like this are important for young leaders to learn about the legislative process and engage with elected officials. 


Next week, the General Assembly will be off on Monday to observe President's Day but will reconvene Tuesday through Thursday for legislative days 23-25. 

GFB Day at the Capitol


On Tuesday, February 13th, over 600 Georgia Farm Bureau members congregated under the Gold Dome to advocate for our state's number 1 industry. GFB Day at the Capitol is always a highlight of session because we get the opportunity to demonstrate the strength of our organization to elected officials. GFB members filled the halls of the Capitol advocating for issues important to agriculture while building relationships with their legislators.


这一天开始时,议员们在货运仓库与众议院农业和消费者事务委员会主席罗伯特·迪基和参议院农业和消费者事务委员会主席拉斯·古德曼一起喝咖啡, both of whom are longtime members of GFB. They each gave remarks about what is going on in Atlanta and legislation going through their committees this session. Following the morning session, members made their way up the street to the Capitol to spend the remainder of the morning watching both chambers take up legislation.


这一天结束了,我们回到货运站与副州长伯特·琼斯共进午餐, Commissioner Tyler Harper, Speaker Jon Burns and members of the General Assembly. All three of our speakers highlighted the work GFB does at the Capitol every day to advocate for agriculture. 我们感谢每一位花时间来到亚特兰大参加这次盛会的人. The strength and effectiveness of our organization is dependent on our membership, 像这样的活动表明了我们的成员对确保格鲁吉亚农业成功的承诺. 

EPA Announces Dicamba Existing Stock Order


As we reported last week, 2月11日,亚利桑那州的一家联邦法院宣布,美国环境保护局(EPA) 2020年批准的用于大豆或棉花过度(OTT)应用的麦草畏产品无效. 6. This decision effectively prohibits the use of XtendiMax (Bayer), Engenia (BASF), and Tavium (Syngenta) for OTT applications during the upcoming 2024 growing season until the EPA reevaluates the matter. This marks the second time dicamba's EPA approval has been invalidated in court, following a previous ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The EPA had reauthorized dicamba by the end of October 2020.


While the ability of the EPA to reapprove dicamba for OTT use in the 2024 growing season is still being determined, 全国棉花协会和乔治亚农场局等行业组织于2月8日致函美国环保署,敦促迅速采取行动,对法院的裁决提出上诉,并批准灵活的现有库存令. 


We are pleased the EPA moved quickly issuing this order on February 14. In Georgia, the deadline for sale & 大豆和棉花的库存分布分别为5月31日和6月30日. The end date for producers to use the product for soybean and cotton are June 30 and July 30, 2024. Please click here to read the full Order, containing key details, limits, and provisions for use during the 2024 growing season.

HB 1172 Passes House Committee


On Thursday, February 15th, HB 1172 passed out of the House Judiciary Committee. This bill is a priority of GFB this legislative session and seeks to remove public trust doctrine from the statutes pertaining to navigable waters in Georgia. This bill is vitally important to the agriculture and the business community as it tries to claw back private property rights that were lost by last year's SB 115. The inclusion of public trust doctrine in code places industry at threat of baseless lawsuits from those who oppose the work we do. 


In committee, HB 1172 passed out with an extremely close vote. After an initial tie, the decision came down to the chairman of the committee who voted in favor of passage. It will take the full support of our organization, along with our allied groups, to ensure this bill passes on the floor. 我们鼓励你们与你们的立法者联系,表达这项立法的重要性. 

Committees Debate Foreign Ownership of Farmland   


Two bills that GFB is closely monitoring, SB 420 and HB 1093, were brought up in committees on Wednesday, February 14th. These bills contain almost identical language that would prevent the acquisition of farmland by foreign adversaries, as determined by the federal government. It is important that we protect our land resources from the control of adversaries who are at odds with our nation's values. We want to ensure that our farmland is being used to produce the food, fiber, and shelter needed by our state and country to sustain ourselves. 


The biggest difference between these two bills is the radius from a military installation which a foreign adversary is allowed to own land within. SB 420 prohibits the purchase of land within 25 miles of a military installation, whereas HB 1093 prohibits purchases within 10 miles. 


HB 1093 passed out of the House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee on Wednesday with overwhelming support from the committee. SB 420 received a hearing only by the Senate Regulated Industries & Utilities Committee, and we expect to see it come up for a committee vote next week.

SB 420:

Sens. Anavitarte, Goodman, Beach, Cowsert, Gooch, and others

该法案将禁止任何非居民外国人拥有农业用地, government, or business from a country considered to be foreign adversary as determined by the US Secretary of Commerce. It would also restrict ownership by those individuals, governments, and businesses of any land that is within a 25 mile radius of a military installation. 任何违规者都将被判重罪,最高可判处两年监禁或1.5万美元罚款.

Assigned to Senate Regulated Industries & Utilities Committee 1/30/2024 


SB 436:

Sens. Watson, Goodman, Anderson, Walker, Ginn, and others

This bill addresses farm use vehicles as it relates to right-of-way on the road. It changes the definition of "Implement of husbandry" requiring the main use to be primarily for agricultural operations, not exclusively.

Passed Senate Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 2/8/2024


SB 437:

Sens. Robertson, Kirkpatrick, Watson, Strickland, and Sims

This bill relates to the regulation and enforcement of hemp products in Georgia by the Department of Agriculture. This bill requires for particular labeling, signage, and sets the legal age of consumable hemp products at 21 years old.

Assigned to Senate Regulated Industries & Utilities 2/1/2024 


SR 473:

Sens. Walker, Goodman, Ginn, Watson, Hickman, and others

This resolution recognizes February 14, 2024, as 4-H Day at the Capitol.

Read and Adopted 1/25/2024 


Save the Date

February 27 - GA Citrus Association Annual Conference

February 29 - GCA Steak Biscuit Day at the Capitol

March 5 - PB&J Day at the Capitol

March 13-15 - GA Cattlemen's Association Annual Convention

March 15 - FFA 17th Annual Blue & Gold Gala

GA Dept. of Ag Celebrates 150th Anniversary


This year marks the 150th Anniversary of the Georgia Department of Agriculture--the nation's oldest state department of agriculture! To commemorate the department's significant milestone serving our state's #1 industry, Commissioner Harper is hosting an event at the capitol at 2p.m. on February 28, 2024. 我们感谢与GDA及其员工的长期关系,他们通过一系列服务为我们的成员服务,并赞扬哈珀专员的领导带领我们进入下一个150年.


Action This Week


HB 53:

Reps. Corbett, Meeks, Pirkle, Dickey, and Williams

This bill would establish the State Board of Registration for Foresters as an independent agency attached to the State Forestry Commission for administrative purposes. Currently the Board is under the professional licensing boards division of the Secretary of State's office.

Passed House 2/15/2024


HB 300:

Reps. Smith, Kelley, Williamson, Stephens, and Blackmon

This legislation would establish the Solar Technology Trust Fund and impose a fee of $15 per kilowatt of capacity on retail sales of solar equipment in Georgia. The fees collected would be used by the trust fund for remediation, decommissioning, and disposal of solar equipment, such as solar panels.

Passed House and Assigned to Senate Regulated Industries & Utilities Committee 2/13/2024


HB 912:

Reps. Anderson, Rhodes, Burchett, Smith, Williams, and others

This bill defines a multipurpose off-highway vehicle and ensures no multipurpose off-highway vehicle shall be returned for or subject to ad valorem taxation.

Passed House 2/15/2024


HB 940:

Reps. Todd, Williams, Cannon, Horner, and Barrett

This bill requires all retail stores to accept cash for purchases.

Passed House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee by Substitute 2/9/2024


HB 982:

Reps. Gambill, Dubnik, Erwin, Martin, Hong, and others

This bill establishes the State Workforce Development Board. This board will be responsible for publishing the High-Demand Career List for be used as guidance for supporting workforce development.

Passed House and Assigned to Senate Higher Education Committee 2/9/2024


HB 1015:

Reps. McDonald, Blackmon, Jones, Hong, Wade, and others

This is a priority bill of Governor Kemp and seeks to reduce the state income tax. The income tax would be reduced by 10 basis points from 5.49% to 5.39%.

Passed House and Assigned to Senate Finance Committee 2/9/2024 


HB 1019:

Reps. Reeves, Burns, Blackmon, Jones, Knight, and others

This bill is a priority of House Leadership. 它将全州范围内的宅基地从价税免税额上限从2000美元提高到4000美元.

Passed House and Assigned to Senate Finance Committee 2/9/2024 


HB 1021:

Reps. Daniel, Burns, Blackmon, Williamson, Silcox, and others

This bill is a priority of House Leadership. 它将纳税人申请的每个受抚养人的个人免税额从3,000美元提高到4,000美元.

Passed House and Assigned to Senate Finance Committee 2/9/2024 


HB 1034:

Reps. Franklin, Corbett, Hagan, Dickey, and Parrish

This bill would establish the fourth Friday in November as National Sugarcane Day.

Passed House and Assigned to Senate Economic Development & Tourism Committee 2/12/2024


HB 1048:

Reps. Carpenter, Huddleston, Cameron, Hilton, and Vance

This bill designates cornbread as the official Georgia state bread.

Passed House and Assigned to Senate Economic Development & Tourism Committee 2/12/2024


HB 1093:

Reps. Clark, Pirkle, Blackmon, Corbett, Bonner, and others

该法案将禁止任何非居民外国人拥有农业用地, government, or business from a country considered to be foreign adversary as determined by the US Secretary of Commerce. It would also restrict ownership by those individuals, governments, and businesses of any land that is within a 10 mile radius of critical infrastructure or a military facility. 任何违规者都将被判重罪,最高可判处两年监禁或1.5万美元罚款.

Passed House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee by Substitute 2/15/2024


HB 1114:

Reps. Wade, Gambill, Hong, McDonald, Jones, and others

This bill is known as the Data Analysis for Tort Reform Act. It is a priority of Governor Kemp and will help his administration gather information to help prepare for future tort reform efforts.

Passed House Insurance Committee by Substitute 2/15/2024


HB 1172:

Reps. Burchett, Rhodes, Leverett, Smith, and Williams

该法案由众议院渔业研究委员会主席提出. This bill is a priority of GFB this session. It fixes unintended consequences of SB 115 (2023) and removes the reference to public trust doctrine as it relates to navigable waters.

Passed House Judiciary Committee 2/15/2024


HB 1173:

Reps. Ridley, Rhodes, Ridley, Cannon, and Corbett

This bill allows for bow fishing of channel and flathead catfish state wide.

Recommitted to House Game, Fish, & Parks Committee 2/15/2024 


HB 1223:

Reps. Leverett, Petrea, Prince, Jackson, and Adesanya


Assigned to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 2/12/2024


HB 1237:

Reps. Cannon, Corbett, Dickey, Meeks, Campbell, and others

本法案修订了农业商品委员会法典章节中的一个定义. It does away with the provision requiring producers of citrus to operate at least 5 acres of fruit trees to be eligible for the Citrus ACC.  

Assigned to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 2/13/2024


HB 1274:

Reps. Huddleston, Frye, Dickey, Pirkle, Thomas, and others

This bill amends the Veterinary Student Loan Repayment Program. Recipients of the loan repayment program would qualify for 3 payments of $25,000 over the course of 3 years. The program would be limited to applicants who have been practicing food animal medicine for less than 10 years in a rural community.

Assigned to House Higher Education Committee 2/15/2024


SB 349:

Sens. Hufstetler, Albers, Esteves, Echols, Anavitarte, and others.

This bill is an omnibus tax bill. It deals with ad valorem taxation of property. 它修改了设定里程率的限制,并规定,如果宅地的当年评估价值超过调整后基准年价值的3%,则全州范围内的宅地税免征从价税.

Passed Senate 2/15/2024


SB 399:

Sens. Echols, Albers, Walker, Esteves, Hickman, and others

This bill seeks to encourage greater collaboration between the Technical College System of Georgia and the University System of Georgia. It would require both systems to set up course with transferable credits and list all courses for students.

Passed Senate Higher Education Committee 2/15/2024


SB 410:

Sens. Kirkpatrick, Walker, Robertson, Payne, Anavitarte, and others

This bill would grant a temporary license for out-of-state veterinarians to preform sterilization services. The goal is to help provide more resources to address overpopulation and the high demand for sterilization services.

Passed Senate and Assigned to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 2/9/2024


SB 426:

Sens. Tillery, Setzler, Burns, Walker, Albers, and others

This bill is a part of Senate leaderships efforts to address the legal climate in Georgia and provide relief to businesses and insurance companies. This bill is commonly known as direct action and prevents a plaintiff from suing only an insurance company in the case of an accident. Direct action directly benefits large commercial fleets and their insurers, but we are still excited to see the Senate begin to tackle this issue.

Passed Senate and Assigned to House Judiciary Committee 2/15/2024


SB 436:

Sens. Watson, Goodman, Anderson, Walker, Ginn, and others

This bill addresses farm use vehicles as it relates to right-of-way on the road. It changes the definition of "Implement of husbandry" requiring the main use to be primarily for agricultural operations, not exclusively.

Passed Senate 2/16/2024


SB 488:

Sens. Summers, Kennedy, Goodman, Walker, Anderson, and others

This bill would grant a state-wide exemption for aircraft used for aerial applications of fertilizers and pesticides.

Assigned to Senate Finance Committee 2/13/2024


SB 489:

Sens. Goodman, Watson, Summers, Hodges, Anderson, and others

This bill would designate blueberries as the official state berry of Georgia.

Assigned to Senate Economic Development & Tourism Committee 2/13/2024


SR 470:

Sens. Hickman, Goodman, Watson, Anderson, and Gooch


Passed Senate 2/15/2024



Bills of Interest 


HB 33:

Reps. Camp, Mathiak, Lim, Au, and Cameron

This bill would establish the State Board of Veterinary Medicine as an independent agency attached to the Department of Agriculture for administrative purposes. The State Board of Veterinary Medicine serves as the licensing board for veterinarians in the state of Georgia. Currently, this board is administratively attached to the Secretary of State and is under the professional licensing boards division. 

Passed House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 2/22/2023 


HB 73:

Reps. Gullett, Parsons, Thomas, Anderson, Meeks, and others

This bill deals with ensuring transparency between buyers and sellers of distributed energy generation systems, including solar energy procurement, 并为这些系统提供了有关合同和协议的教育信息. It specifically looks to address deceptive business practices seen throughout the state by certain companies selling rooftop solar systems.

Passed House on 2/22/2023 & Assigned to Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities on 3/1/2023


HB 82:

Reps. Jackson, Hawkins, Cooper, Williams, Beverly, and others  

This bill would eliminate the current tax credit available for rural physicians and replace it with a new tax credit of up to $5,000 for each taxable year. 新的税收抵免将适用于包括牙医在内的更广泛的医疗保健专业人员, nurse practitioners, physical assistants and more. It also imposes certain restrictions such as a cap on the number of years it can be claimed (5 years) and restrictions on those who are already working in a rural area.

Passed House on 3/6/2023 & Passed Senate Finance Committee 1/30/2024


HB 246:

Reps. Momtahan, Parsons, Dickey, Tarvin, Pirkle, and others

This bill would prohibit the foreign ownership of certain types of land or properties, including farms and agricultural land, by Chinese, Russian, Iranian, or North Korean governments, citizens, or companies. It would both prohibit direct ownership but also ownership through majority stock or other specified intertest.

Assigned to House Judiciary Committee 2/7/2023


HB 251:

Reps. Schofield, Drenner, Kennard, Evans and Hutchinson

This bill would require the Public Service Commission to adopt regulations to gradually reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from every electric utility in Georgia, regardless of fuel type. It would require that by 2050 all electricity provided by an electric utility in Georgia be generated from energy sources that produce zero greenhouse gasses.

Assigned to House Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Committee 2/7/2023


HB 262:

Reps. Lewis-Ward, Beverly, Jackson, and  Gilliard 


Assigned to House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/7/2023


HB 287:

Reps. Thomas, Schofield, and Marin

该法案将确立建立和运营微型企业家庭厨房的能力. This would be a noncommercial kitchen facility located in a private home or on a farm where ready-to-eat food is handled, stored, prepared, or offered for sale for consumption off the premises. The kitchen must meet the criteria to be a microenterprise as established by the Department of Economic Development. This bill would exclude food sales establishments, any food production which requires a license by the Dept. of Agriculture, and more.

Heard House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/14/2023


HB 305:

Reps. Dickey, Houston, Gilliard, and Carpenter

Over the past few years there has been discussion over how to address issues with our state's Farmers Markets, some of which are in need of substantial capital repairs and improvements. Several of the markets have also suffered from profitability issues, leading to the temporary closing of certain markets. This bill seeks to establish the Georgia Farmers Market Authority, allowing the state's markets to be run more like a business by retaining the income it generates and using it to operate and improve the markets.

Recommitted to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 3/1/2023


HB 321:

Reps. Scott, Schofield, and Davis

Under this proposal, 人类服务部可以建立健康食品发展项目, to establish, support, facilitate, and expand access to healthy foods in eligible underserved areas, in coordination with Departments of Economic Development, Agriculture, and Natural Resources on an approved application basis.

Assigned to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee on 2/9/2023


HB 363:

Reps. LaHood, Parrish, Williams, Jackson, Burchett and others.

This bill seeks to amend the tax credit limit for rural hospital contributions and redefines a rural hospital organization. It would increase the tax credit limit for contributions by corporate donors and increase the aggregate limit for tax credits for contributions to rural hospital organizations. This bill includes a sunset date of December 31, 2023. 

Passed House Ways and Means Committee 2/1/2024


HB 379:

Reps. Yearta, Corbett, Cannon, Jasperse, and Franklin

该法案将使除二次金属回收商以外的任何人出售金属都是非法的, purchase, possess, or transport a catalytic convertor. 该个人将被指控对每个单独的催化转换器单独的罪行. This, along with other similar pieces of proposed legislation, are in response to increasing frequency of catalytic converter theft in recent years. 

Assigned to House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee 2/13/2023


HB 413:

Reps. Williams, Meeks, Rhodes, Dickey, Blackmon, and others

该法案旨在为乔治亚州农业综合企业和农村就业项目提供第二轮资金. 该法案还将增加申请费并提供年维护费. 

Passed House Ways and Means Committee 3/2/2023


HB 438:

Reps. Anderson, Williamson, Parsons, Frazier, Jones and others

该法案规定,本州的任何政府实体都不得采取任何限制或禁止的政策, or has the effect of restricting or prohibiting, 能源:输送到家庭或要使用的器具的能源或燃料的类型或来源. 

Passed House Energy, Utilities & Telecommunication Committee 2/22/2023


HB 439:

Reps. Houston, Meeks, Dickey, Pirkle


Assigned to House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/16/2023


HB 449:

Reps. Knight, Corbett, Rhodes, Cannon, and Pirkle

该法案将取消保护使用价值评估(CUVA)计划中提供的豁免,该计划允许在CUVA契约范围内的土地上安装太阳能电池板, 只要那部分土地从契约中移除并且支付了特定的违约罚款. That penalty in current law is less than what must be paid for a normal breach on a property that is subject to a covenant. Under this proposal, 在CUVA登记的土地上安装太阳能电池板将构成违反契约, and the full penalty would have to be paid. 

Passed House Ways and Means Committee 3/3/2023


HB 452:

Reps. Pirkle, Jasperse, Meeks, Rhodes, Knight, and others

该法案将禁止任何非居民外国人拥有农业用地, government, or business from a country considered to be foreign adversary as determined by the US Secretary of Commerce. It would also restrict ownership by those individuals, governments, and businesses of any land that is within a 25 mile radius of a military facility. The bill does allow for possession in certain special circumstances such as through an inheritance or for the collection of debts, but the land must be dispersed after a specified period of time. 

Passed House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/28/2023


HB 458:

Reps. Pirkle, Corbett, Williams, and Rhodes

该法案旨在修改现行的大麻法律,以确保在格鲁吉亚销售和销售的产品的安全性,要求对所有可消费的大麻产品进行某些标签和测试要求. It defines hemp products, consumable hemp products, 和工业大麻产品区分不同用途的大麻植物. 它寻求改变种植者的许可和注册过程以及费用结构, processors, and retailers. 该法案还要求年满21岁的人购买可消费的大麻产品, be the target of certain marketing, or receive samples of consumable hemp products in stores. 

Passed House 3/6/2023 & Assigned to Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee 3/7/2023


HB 477:

Reps. Leverett, Petrea, Prince, and Jackson 

该法案旨在通过增加通知要求和将执行权下放给某些地方自治团体,解决不良行为者不当使用土壤修正案的问题. GFB is actively monitoring this bill and has been in discussions with the sponsor to work towards an appropriate and balanced solution to the issue. 

Assigned to House Natural Resources and Environment Committee 2/21/2023


HB 491:

Reps. Drenner, Carter, Evans, Davis, and Thomas


Assigned to House Natural Resources and Environment Committee 2/22/2023


HB 495:

Reps. Drenner, Carter, Evans, Davis, and Thomas

This bill is titled Georgia Environmental Justice Act of 2023. It establishes the Environmental Justice Commission to oversee the permitting of certain projects in low-income and minority neighborhoods. 

Assigned to House Natural Resources and Environment Committee 2/22/2023


HB 510:

Reps. Barnes, Beverly, Clark, Au, Oliver, and others.

This bill seeks to provide free school meals to all public-school students who qualify for the reduced-price meals under federal and state guidelines. It encourages the use of Georgia Grown products in school breakfast and lunch programs to promote Georgia agriculture and healthy eating. 

Assigned to House Education Committee 2/22/2023


HB 514:

Reps. Washburn, Bazemore, Reeves, Lim, Ridley, and others. 

This bill is known as the "Housing Regulation Transparency Act." It seeks to limit the duration of time that a local government may enact a temporary housing moratorium on properties being developed for residential purposes to 180 days. It also requires that a local government must wait another 180 days before enacting any new temporary housing moratorium once the initial 180-day moratorium is expired. 该法案允许在某些情况下豁免,包括宣布进入紧急状态, when safety is of concern, a court order, or while a studied is being conducted investigating future development. This bill also grants local governments the power to collect fees associated with their zoning powers and issuance of permits. This is to create an equitable program for governments to finance the development and creation of local planning, land use, and zoning ordinances for orderly growth. 

Assigned to Conference Committee 3/29/2023


HB 533:

Reps. Gilliard, Stephens, Willis, and Thomas 

This bill, titled the "Georgia Hemp Industry Growth and Business Partnership Tax Credit Act,为与乔治亚州种植的大麻所有者和供应商开展业务的成本提供税收抵免. 

Assigned to House Ways & Means Committee 2/23/2023


HB 566:

Reps. Lewis-Ward, Beverly, Bentley, Jackson, and Schofield


Assigned to House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/27/2023


HB 567:

Reps. Cheokas, Collins, Hitchens, Yearta, and Washburn 


Assigned to House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee 2/27/2023



Reps. Cameron, Camp, Campbell, Hagan, and Huddleston

This bill is tilted the Healthy Food Development Program Act. It allows for the Department of Human Services to coordinate with the Department of Economic Development to create the Healthy Food Development Program. They could provide grants, loans, state tax credits, equipment, other financial assistance or technical assistance to grocery stores, corner stores, farmers' markets, or other retailers. 

Assigned to House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/27/2023


HB 583:

Reps. Hagan, Gaines, Camp, and Clark

This bill creates the cottage food operator license for a person who produces homemade food items at a residential property for sale to a consumer. They will be permitted to only sell non-potentially hazardous foods - foods that do not require temperature control for safety. 许可证必须通过农业部每年支付100美元获得. This bill exempts cottage food operators from inspection but grants the Department the power to conduct an inspection upon complaint. 

Assigned to House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/27/2023 


HB 808:

Reps. Cheokas, Yearta, Mathiak, Ridley, Powell, and others

This bill would increase a statewide ad valorem tax exemption limit for tangible personal property from $7,500 to $50,000. It also provides for a statewide referendum and a question to be placed on the ballot for the voters of Georgia to decide on making this change. 

Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee 3/23/2023


HB 827:

Reps. Smith, Dickey, Pirkle, Leverett, Hagan, and others

This bill increases the punishment for livestock theft by increasing both the penalty fines and the years of imprisonment. 

Assigned to House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee 3/29/2023


HB 848:

Reps. Taylor, Lumsden, Collins, Hitchens, and Dunahoo

This bill would allow any law enforcement to enforce excess vehicle weight limitations using automated vehicle weight detection system. 这将允许使用重量检测技术和能够确定车辆总重量和过往机动车辆的单个轴重的摄像机,并产生位于固定秤设施外的此类车辆的记录图像. The technology could be implemented by third party agents.

Assigned to House Motor Vehicles Committee 1/09/2024


HB 870:

Reps. Washburn, Au, Stephens, Anulewicz, Hitchens, and others

This bill would exempt Georgia from the advancement of standard time, known as daylight savings upon the exemption from daylight savings by North and South Carolina and the portions of Florida and Tennessee that observe eastern standard time.

Assigned to House State Planning & Community Affairs Committee 1/10/2024


HB 893:

Rep. Thomas

This bill would provide for a state-wide homestead exemption from ad valorem taxes for the full value of a homestead used for agricultural purposes under certain parameters. The farmer must be engaged in production agriculture for no more than 5 years and operate on no more than 5 acres.

Assigned to House Ways & Means Committee 1/10/2024


HB 908:

Reps. Ridley, Ridley, Jasperse, Fleming, Persinger, and others

该法案将要求该州所有提供含有细胞培养肉或植物性肉类替代品的食品的食品服务机构在其菜单上显示, or on placards visible to the public, 声明此类食品含有细胞培养肉或植物性肉类替代品的披露.

Assigned to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 1/11/2024 


HB 922:

Reps. Vance, Tarvin, Lumsden, Collins, and Hitchens

This bill would add to what is considered criminal trespass and make entrance upon property of another without consent shall be an offense of criminal trespass.

Assigned to House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee 1/12/2024


HB 981:

Reps. Burchett, Cannon, Dickey, Meeks, and Rhodes

This bill would exempt all qualified producers from paying county or municipal permit fees greater than $500 on agricultural structures.

Assigned to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 1/23/2024


HB 1017:

Reps. Seabaugh, Reeves, Burhcett, Crowe, Silcox, and others

This bill is known as the Georgia Squatter Reform Act. 它试图加强刑事侵入的定义,以解决非法占用者的问题. Squatters occupy an abandoned or unoccupied property without consent from the owner.

Assigned to House Judiciary Committee 1/25/2024 


HB 1023:

Reps. Williamson, Blackmon, Crowe, Silcox, Hilton, and others

This bill decreases the corporate income tax rate. It matches the corporate income tax rate to the individual income tax rate applicable to all taxable years beginning January 1, 2024.

Assigned to House Ways & Means Committee 1/25/2024


HB 1024:

Reps. Blackmon, Williamson, Wade, Hong, Meeks, and others

This bill eliminates the Revenue Shortfall Reserve limit. 目前,国家只能持有上一年净收入的15%作为储备. This bill would eliminate that limitation.

Assigned to House Appropriations Committee 1/25/2024


HB 1127:

Reps. Pirkle, Corbett, Rhodes, and Lott

This bill is brought by the Department of Agriculture to help enforce and regulate hemp products in Georgia. This bill will require certain labeling and prohibit the sale of consumable hemp products to individuals under the age of 21 years.

Assigned to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs 2/7/2024


HB 1031:

Reps. Blackmon, Knight, Martin, and Crowe

This bill requires all parcels to be reappraised in 2025. After 2025, every parcel must be reappraised every three years.

Passed House Ways & Means Committee by Substitute 2/8/2024 


HB 1052:

Reps. Cannon, Dickey, Huddleston, McCollum, Meeks, and others

该法案将允许不符合条件的实体在CUVA契约中租赁财产,只要所有权包括至少一名美国公民,并且土地的主要目的是生产农业. GFB policy supports this bill.

Assigned to House Ways & Means Committee 1/29/2024


HB 1069:

Reps. Cannon, Pirkle, Corbett, Rhodes, Williams, and others

This bill authorizes the State Forestry Commission to access tax accessors reports on the assessment of standing timber.

Assigned to House Ways & Means Committee 1/30/2024


HB 1099:

Reps. Huddleston, Burchett, Cannon, Camp, Rhodes, and others

This bill is known as the "Purple Paint Law." It allows landowners to mark their property boundaries with purple paint marks on trees or post in place of typical signage.

Assigned to House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee 2/1/2024


HB 1152:

Reps. Camp, Carson, Powell, Persinger, Gullet, and others

This bill is known as The Georgia Homegrown Solar Act of 2024. It gives private solar producers the ability to aggregate demand and sell excess energy to large scale utilities.

Assigned to House Energy, Utilities, & Telecommunications Committee 2/8/2024


HB 1169:

Reps. Townsend, Smith, DeLoach, Vance, Reeves, and others

This bill requires the Environmental Protection Division to consider regulatory and criminal history of any applicant, including out-of-state history, seeking a permit from the Division.

Assigned to House Natural Resources & Environment Committee 2/8/2024 


HR 96:

Reps. Williams, Petrea, Dickey, Corbett, Rhodes, and others

This resolution proposes an amendment to the state constitution that would reduce the rate of ad-valorem tax assessment on timber at the time of sale or harvest. The proposal would require that the state appropriate funds annually to each county or municipality to compensate for any loss in revenue.

Passed House 3/2/2023 and Assigned to Senate Finance Committee 3/6/2023


HR 185:

Reps. Bennett, Jenkins, Dempsey, Lewis-Ward, Newton, and others

This resolution establishes the House Healthy Food Retail Study Committee to investigate the lack of access to healthy foods in both rural and urban areas.

Assigned to House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/15/2023


HR 255:

Reps. Drenner and Thomas 

This is a resolution creating the House Study Committee on Environmental Justice. This committee will study the impact of pollution and hazardous materials on low-income neighborhoods or neighborhoods consisting primarily of minorities. 

Assigned to House Natural Resources and Environment Committee 2/22/2023


HR 547:

Reps. Mathiak, Gunter, Hatchett

该决议将成立众议院农村医疗人员招聘研究委员会. This study would look to raise awareness of the challenges rural hospitals face to recruit personnel and retain surgical support personnel. 

Recommitted to House Special Rules Committee 3/29/2023


SB 22:

Sens. Kirkpatrick, Robertson, Hufstetler, Payne, Butler, and others

该法案旨在解决大麻消费品的许可、测试和零售问题. It puts in place certain testing requirements for consumable hemp products, establishes a licensing structure with the associated fees, 并解决了有关向21岁以下的人提供大麻样品的某些问题. 该法案还对零售消费大麻产品提出了具体的标签要求. 

Recommitted to Senate Rules Committee 2/22/2023


SB 39:

Sens. Jackson, Goodman, Summers and Butler

This bill, called the "Georgia Hemp Farming Act,“将改变对个人申请大麻种植许可证的限制. It would change current law to allow individuals who are convicted of a misdemeanor involving the sale of a controlled substance, to apply for and be given a license or permit to grow industrial hemp. It would also allow someone convicted of a felony to apply for and receive a license or permit after 10 years has passed from said felony.

Recommitted to Senate Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 2/28/2023


SB 132:

Sens. Beach, Dolezal, Goodman, Summers, Anderson, and others

该法案将禁止受美国法律定义为外国对手的政府管辖的非居民外国人购买农业用地.S. Secretary of Commerce. It would also restrict the purchase of agricultural land by any government of, 或在被视为外国对手的政府管辖的国家注册的企业. There are provisions within the bill that would also limit the foreign ownership of land near certain military instillations. 

Passed Senate 3/2/2023 and Recommitted to House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee 3/29/2023


SB 142:

Sens. Anderson, Brass, Burns, Anavitarte, Robertson and others

This bill changes the definition of what is considered a dangerous or vicious dog. 该法案修改了定义,包括以下内容:无理由吠叫的狗, growling, or snarling, aggressively running along fence lines, or escaping confinement when people are present. It requires the owner of a dangerous dog as defined by the bill to maintain a $500,000 insurance policy covering any damage or bodily harm caused by the dog. 

Assigned to Senate Insurance and Labor Committee 2/13/2023


SB 145:

Sens. Still, Dolezal, Robertson, Anavitarte, Payne, and others 

This bill which at one time would have only prohibited local regulations that create differing standards for gasoline-powered leaf blowers from similar equipment, now includes an additional 33 pages of language that addresses numerous other issues. 

Senate Disagreed to House Amendment 3/29/2023 & House Insisted 3/29/2023


SB 165:

Sens. Goodman, Sims, Walker, Brass, Mallow, and others

This bill is a companion bill to HB 189. 目前的州法律规定,任何五轴卡车的车辆总重量(GVW)为80,000磅. 农业和林业获得5%的差异豁免,允许他们运输84,000磅. 该法案将允许这些行业和一些额外的行业使用12.5% variance, setting allowable weights at 90,000lbs. This bill only pertains to state roads. Due to federal regulations, trucks traveling on interstates are only allowed to haul at 80,000lbs with no variances. 

Heard by Senate Transportation Committee 2/27/2023


SB 177:

Sens. Jones, Goodman, Butler, Hickman, and Sims

This bill is entitled the "Food Insecurity Eradication Act.它在乔治亚州农业部下成立了乔治亚州食品安全咨询委员会,就如何缓解该州的食品不安全问题向大会提出建议. 

Passed Senate 3/6/2023 & Recommitted to House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 3/29/2023 


SB 186:

Sens. Dolezal, Still, Gooch, Kennedy, Watson and others

This legislation deals with premises liability action and seeks to make changes to tort law provisions that are significant to landowners. It states no landowner shall be liable in a premises liability action to anyone who is injured on the landowner's property as the result of the willful, wanton, or intentionally tortious conduct of any third party who is not a director, officer, employee, 或土地所有人的代理人,除非被邀请人能证明法律规定的具体事项. 

Senate Tabled 3/6/2023 


SB 243:

Sens. Jones, Harbison, Rahman, Merrit, Butler and others

This bill is entitled the Right to Repair Act. It seeks to require manufactures of digital and electronic products to provide diagnostic and repair information, parts, and tools to independent repair providers. 

Assigned to Senate Science and Technology Committee 2/27/2023


SR 314:

Sens. Anavitarte, Gooch, Anderson, Summers, Cowsert and others. 

该决议将成立“佐治亚州太阳能效益参议院研究委员会”. It will report on the pros and cons of solar generated energy in the state of Georgia.  

Passed Senate Rules Committee on 3/23/2023


SB 330:

Sens. Kirkpatrick, Hufstetler, Payne, Echols, Dugan, and others. 

This bill is known as the Outdoor Dog Protection Act. It would make it unlawful to leave a dog outdoors or unattended for more than 24 hours under the defined circumstances within the bill. It provides an exemption for livestock herding dogs, dogs sued within production agriculture, and hunting or field training dogs. 

Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee 3/27/2023


SB 352:

Sens. Anderson, Albers, Robertson, Williams, Payne, and others

该法案禁止任何机动车在任何高速公路上运行,其悬挂高度高于或低于制造商建议的6英寸. No motor vehicle may operate on any highway whose front frame is more than four inches above the rear of the vehicle.

Passed Senate Senate and Assigned to House Motor Vehicles Committee 2/1/2024


SB 355:

Sens. Robertson, Burns, Williams, Anavitarte, and Dolezal